The Myth of Time


The Myth of Time LLC
Le Rwa Entertainment LLC

Writer & Director: Jaguar X
Producer & Editor: Scorpion H.

Caleidismo: (Kaleidism) Original technique of the cinema that combines spoken and written poetry with audio-visual symbolism, breaking the barriers of language and culture.

Caleidismo: Técnica original de cine que combina la poesía hablada y escrita con el simbolismo dentro del audio-visual, rompiendo las barreras del lenguaje y la cultura.

Le Rwa Entertainment LLC

Was formed in the soul of the volcano Atitlan 30 years ago.
Was reunited in the rains of Zona 8 in 2006 while defending our lives from motorcycle killers at 3 am.
Was bonded in marriage in the same room in Pension Meza Zona 1 Guatemala where Che and Castro slept.
In 2007 we crossed the desert to make our dreams real.
Now we're at a rock solid base with a new colored face and ready to take our dreams to the world,
building rockets of light and sound. And here we are.

"We are somewhere other than where we always are".                                                                                         Jaguar X.

"The Myth of Time" is at:

The Myth of Time